Names of Punctuation Marks on a QWERTY Keyboard
AmE means American English, and BrE means British English.
Punctuation mark | Name |
~ | tilde |
! | exclamation point (AmE) / exclamation mark (BrE) |
@ | at sign / at symbol |
# | hash / pound sign / number sign |
$ | dollar sign |
% | percent sign |
^ | caret |
& | ampersand / and sign |
* | asterisk |
( ) | parenthesis (AmE) / bracket (BrE) / round bracket (BrE) |
- | hyphen / minus sign |
+ | plus sign |
` | backtick/backquote/grave |
_ | underscore |
= | equal sign (AmE) / equals sign (BrE) |
{ } | brace / curly bracket |
| | verticle bar / pipe |
[ ] | square bracket |
\ | backslash |
: | colon |
" | double quote / double quotation mark |
; | semicolon |
' | apostrophe / single quote / single quotation mark |
< | less-than sign |
> | greater-than sign |
? | question mark |
, | comma |
. | period (AmE) / full stop (BrE) |
/ | slash / forward slash |
Reference: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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